Benediktus dari Spinoza (2): Tuhan atau Alam Semesta
Dalam bagian pertama buku Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata (Ethics), Spinoza membuktikan dan menjelaskan tentang eksistensi dan esensi Tuhan dengan 36 proposisinya. Beberapa proposisi Spinoza yang menyatakan tentang Tuhan secara langsung, meliputi: “[IP 11 —baca: bagian pertama, proposisi nomor 11] God, or substance consisting of infinite attributes, each one of which expresses eternal and infinite essence, necessarily exist . [IP 14 ] Besides God, no substance can be, nor can be conceived . [IP 15 ] Whatever is, is in God, and nothing can either be or be conceived without God . [IP 17 ] God acts from the laws of His own nature only, and is compelled by no one. [IP 18 ] God is immanent, and not the transitive [i] cause of all things. [IP 19 ] God is eternal, or, in other words, all His attributes are eternal. [IP 20 ] The existence of God and His essence are one and the same thing. [IP 21 ] All things which follow from the absolute nature of any attribute to God must for ...